Monday, July 11, 2011

Are you prepared for an Emergency?

    A pack of band aids is always good to have in your car, but they only work on you. They will not help your car. Believe me, I've tried. They will not mend a leaky hose or help with a hole in your tire. So the question is; what are you carrying in your vehicle for that...... I need something, emergency?

    Having been stranded on the Pennsylvania Turnpike with my exhaust system dragging on the road and a 1 ton load in the back of my truck my options were limited, and of course, that was the one time I wasn't carrying very many items for an emergency with me. The phone was dead and I had to get off the Turnpike before they ran me over. It was not a pretty site. I was able to McGyver something to get down the road until I found an exit. There I was able to fix it well enough to get home. 

       Sure not everyone is handy around a car, but knowing a few things can sure help you when you are really out there in the boonies. What if you are going to be stranded for awhile before anyone can get to you, or your phone dies and you just don't know what to do next? Extreme conditions are always a possibility. Weather is always a factor when it comes to traveling.

     An Emergency Kit is not a bad idea. Things like-
  • Battery Cables,
  • Emergency Flares,
  • Flashlight-(Check your batteries),  
  • Jug of water- good for you, your car or your pet,  
  • Pocket knife or leatherman tool, 
  • Spare fuses, 
  • Roll of duct tape is good, 
  • Roll of wire is really good to have,
  • Some sort of energy bar or other food that will not spoil easily, 
  • Blanket, 
  • An Old Jacket 
  • An assortment of tools,
and of course 
  •  A first aid kit ( aspirin, band aids, antiseptic, gauze and tape, etc.)

    These are just a list of  a few things that I carry. You can find more complete lists on-line or you can purchase road side emergency kits at your local supplier or on-line. Just type in emergency kit for cars. Carry one with you, you may never need to use it, but it will be there if you do.

Keep it between the lines,
Happy Motoring

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